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Our cells are evolutionally designed biomolecular machines with amazing precision and capability for reproduction. Scientists nowadays know life developed according to natural laws of physics even though biological phenomena are very complex in general. Lipid is defined as a class of organic molecules in cells that are relatively water insoluble, and can be extracted by organic solvents. Membrane lipids belong to an interesting and unique kind of biomolecules in the sense that the membrane works as a passive environment for proteins to function, but the membrane also plays important roles in the governing of biological signaling and material trafficking. Our long-term goal is to accumulate enough understanding to build artificial lipid-protein interactions by design!    

Synthetic reconstitution of lipid-protein interaction

- Understanding the mechanism of membrane trafficking and molecular organization.
- Reconstituted vesicle system as biomimetic materials.

Development and application of computational methods

- Image analysis and machine learning applications.
- Kinetic simulations for complex biochemical processes.